About Us

TheTechPirate was started in 2016 by Brandon Vader with the goal of providing news, commentary, reviews, and helpful how-tos to the community. While we primarily focus on Gaming and General Technology, we also love to provide breaking news on the tech world and the internet in general. Opinions and complaints on the world of tech will be in abundance too! Check out our YouTube channel here. Twitter – @TTP_NET

TTP Logo


Brandon Vader – A veteran to the tech field, and currently going back to school for a degree in Programming. Experience in computing from the Commodore 64 on up to now. Self-acclaimed technophile, gamer, and tech hoarder. Based out of the frozen tundra in Colorado.

Gaming handle – Drakanis

Twitch – drakvader Instagram – bvader86

Colton Roper – Web Developer, IT Tech and gamer guru. 2 years experience in ISP level networking. Excited to share his opinion on computer accessories, programs, and hardware. Based in the flaming pit known as Arizona.

Gaming handle – Seeker4761

Twitter – @seeker4761 Youtube – seeker4761 Facebook – seeker4761 Twitch – seeker4761

Cody Stratman – Long-time IT professional with tons of gaming cred as well. Loves to talk tech and has a fine-tuned appreciation for the perfect product. Based in the paradise of Thailand.

Gaming handle – Psychonitrous

Youtube – strivingtofail